Air transport in 2023: heading towards the intensification of the modernisation of airport infrastructures 

Published: Wednesday, 01 February 2023 04:14
The Minister of Transport, Mr. Jean Ernest Masséna NGALLE BIBEHE, revealed this on the 30th of January 2023 during the ceremony of presentation of well wishes in which the structures under supervision, including the CCAA and other transport partners, took part.
On this beautiful sunny day, during the exchange of greetings in the conference hall of the Yaounde Conference Centre between the Minister, the Minister Delegate and their guests including Mrs. AVOMO ASSOUMOU Paule, the Director General of the Cameroon Civil Aviation Authority, Mr. ALLABIRA MAMADOU, Deputy Director General of the CCAA and several of their collaborators.
It was an opportunity for the Secretary-General to take stock of the significant actions carried out in the air, maritime, railway, road, and meteorological sub-sectors and governance in 2022. 
In this respect, several actions have been carried out by the different sectors. The Minister commended the efforts made by the Directors General which led to this satisfactory assessment of 2022 and, encouraged her to stay the course. He invited all the actors to be more determined and efficient in the face of the multiple challenges facing the ministerial department for which he is responsible; to perform better and to be more committed in order to continuously make the Ministry of Transport a catalyst for economic and social growth in Cameroon
For the Minister of Transport in 2023, it will be by and large a question of continuing the actions started to intensify the modernisation of airport infrastructures. In this regard, the certification of the Douala International Airport to make it a hub; the rehabilitation of its terminal and the runway of the Garoua Airport will be undertaken.
In the same vein, the Cameroon Civil Aviation Authority (CCAA) will have to accelerate the rehabilitation process of secondary airports to allow for an increase in air passenger traffic on the domestic service by CamairCo; begin the operationalization of the airports of Kribi, Bertoua and Tiko, after those of Ngaoundéré, Bafoussam-Bamougoum and Bamenda.
The major challenge is to revitalize the national company and open it to the African sky. 
A minute of silence was observed for all the deaths recorded during the year 2022 like the late Chairman of the Board of Directors of the CCAA, Minister NKOUE NKONGO MAXIMIN Paul recalled by the Lord on December 21, 2022, in Yaounde.