Rights of the passenger

  • Transport ticket Open or Close


    It is your ticket which constitutes your transport, the written document (classical ticket office) or the identification number (electronic ticket office) enabling you to take the plane according to the indications which appear in it or the corresponding data stored on computer. The ticket constitutes a contract between the passenger and the transporter, whether it is emitted directly by it or delivered via a travel agency.
    If you have a classical ticket, your ticket is composed of several stocks or layers, of which it (or them) coupon (S) of flights relative (S) with (X) the way (S) to carry out. At the beginning of each stopover of the course, the coupon of corresponding flight will be preserved by the staff of recording of the company.

    A last coupon being marked “no valid for transport”, remains in possession of the passenger as receipt.
    Note that the current trend in the United States and in Europe, disappear the classical plane ticket to the aim is to make from other forms of mediums or documents from the style chip card, ticket or simple small invoice. Such is in particular the case of the ticket issued by electronic way, of which most large airline companies generalize the use on many destinations that they serve.
    If you wish to profit from an electronic ticket, it will be asked of you to communicate at the time of the reservation, the references of a document of identification (number of your passport, your identity card, etc). Do not forget imperatively to provide you with this document at the time of your departure for the airport because you will have to present it during the recording. Failing this, you will not be able to embark.

    Will know finally that, even in the event of emission of an electronic ticket, you are in right to obtain a written support: the “receipt momentary route”. is reproduced on this receipt route not only the information relative to your trip, (number of flight, date and schedules, air terminal starting and arrival, frankness luggage, limiting hour of recording, identification number of the ticket, etc) but also the obligatory mentions having milked with the responsibility for the airline company. Also, do not hesitate to ask it, because this receipt is tantamount to proof of the formation of the contract between the passenger and the airline company.

  • Delay Open or Close

    The flights can be delayed for several reasons (increase in the traffic, spaces and saturated air traffic control, intervening multiples, weather problems, technical incidents, clean problems of organization of the company considered, etc). In general, the carriers specify under their general terms of transport that their schedules are not guaranteed and can be modified constantly.
    However, under the international regulation (Convention of Montreal), “the carrier is responsible for the damage resulting from a delay in air transport travelers, luggage or goods”. But attention! The delay as such does not give you the right to compensation. It is with you to prove that you suffered a damage following the delay of your vol. It can act for example one work day lost, even of a contract which could not be signed, etc

    In the event of an absence of your luggage on the carpet of arrival (resulting from an incidental delay in their routine), warn at once the representative of your carrier on the air terminal or the service luggage of the airport which will make you fill a custom form intended to facilitate research. If you travel on board a plane of the European Community, or if you start from a Community airport, also consult regulation 261/2004 of the European Parliament and the Council of February 11th, 2004 which lay down the common rules compensation assistance for the passengers in the event of important delay of a vol.
    Air transport is the object of a contract which confers a set of rights and obligations both for the passenger and the carrier. Ask for a copy of this contract from the airline company or your travel agency. In Cameroon, these obligations rise directly from the international texts (see the Convention of Montreal. This Convention improves the mode of responsibility in favour as of passengers).

    Under the terms of this Convention an airline company is responsible for the damage caused by a delay, except if it can prove that it did all that was reasonable to avoid this damage or if it were impossible for him to make thus. It is also responsible for the loss, damage caused with the luggage or in the event of physical injuries.
    Moreover, when a passenger is not embarked on the flight envisaged due to over-reservation, regulation of European Community (to be consulted on the website of the CCAA whose address is in appendix), American or Canadian obliges the carrier to pay a minimal compensation as well as the additional services of hotel trade, restoration and communication.

  • Responsibility Open or Close

    The English version of this text will be soon available.

    Le transport aérien fait l’objet d’un contrat qui confère un ensemble de droits et obligations tant pour le passager que pour le transporteur. Demandez une copie de ce contrat à la compagnie aérienne ou à votre agence de voyages. Au Cameroun, ces obligations découlent directement des textes internationaux (voir la Convention de Montréal. Cette Convention améliore le régime de responsabilité en faveur des passagers).

    En vertu de cette Convention une compagnie aérienne est responsable des dommages causés par un retard, sauf si elle peut prouver qu’elle a fait tout ce qui était raisonnable pour éviter ces dommages ou s’il lui était impossible de faire ainsi. Elle est également responsable de la perte, de dommages causés aux bagages ou en cas de dommages corporels.

    En outre, lorsqu’un passager n’est pas embarqué sur le vol prévu pour cause de surréservation, la réglementation de la Communauté européenne (à consulter sur le site Internet de la CCAA dont l’adresse se trouve en annexe), américaine ou canadienne oblige le transporteur à payer une compensation minimale ainsi que les prestations annexes d’hôtellerie, de restauration et de communication.

  • Refund Open or Close


    Attention, all the tickets are not refundable, except if they are full price. In the event of cancellation of a ticket full price in scheduled flight, you will have to turn over this one at the latest 30 days before the expiry date to be refunded. The tickets with cheap rates or promotional are generally subjected to particular conditions of refunding, and each company has its own policy of refunding.

    Concerning the charters, there too, you will obtain complete or partial refunding only if you subscribed a contract of insurance including the reason for cancellation. Do not forget that the declaration of cancellation is to be made in the 5 days, with sometimes an opinion in the 24 hours following the event having involved cancellation.

    On the other hand in the event of loss of this kind of ticket, you will not be entitled to any compensation, and you will have to buy a new ticket.

  • Complaints Open or Close


    If you encounter difficulties at the time of a displacement in the plane (delay, loss of luggage, modification of schedules, poor quality of the services, defect of assistance, etc), your claims must be made under one month after your date of return, under penalty of preclusion or from forfeiture.

    You will have to do them by registered letter with acknowledgement of delivery, addressed indifferently to the agency which sold the services or to your carrier (in case of theft chartered or of a ticket bought for a tourist fixed price), or, with your carrier (in case of theft regular). Note well that any false claim is penally reprehensible

  • Reduced mobility Open or Close


    This part concerns passengers reached of a temporary disability (casualties, patients) or having certain difficulties in moving because of their age or respiratory affections. If you broke the leg before your departure and if, while being able to travel sited, you need a help to the airport and particular conditions of comfort on the aircraft, announce it to your carrier, a medical report could then be to you asked. If it is necessary for you to travel the lengthened leg, you can profit from two seats one in front of the other, with the help of a special tariffing.

    In addition in most international airports, a free service of assistance is at your disposal to facilitate your displacements in the air terminal, your loading and your unloading (wheelchairs, service of accompaniment) this service of assistance is also available for the elderly people moving with difficulty. For the passengers able to only move whose health status requires an oxygen supply, oxygen bottles are provided on the aircraft by most airline companies on preliminary request as of the reservation (see health).

    The transport of personal bottles is not allowed that if it is about certified model. You inform near your carrier about these points.
    Lastly, for the seriously sick or broken people, who can travel only in reclining position and whose state requires a transport on stretcher and an ambulance, their acceptance on board is subjected to the prior consent of the doctor of the company.

    The presence of a guide (doctor or male nurse, so of the specific care must be given) is obligatory. The expenses will be specified to you by it at the time of the reservation. The passenger on stretcher and his guide can in general be given no cheap rate.

  • Disputes Open or Close

    In the event of cancellation or of delay of the flight, damaged losses or luggage etc you will be able in most case obtaining the compensation for damage which you underwent pursuant to the regulations in force. For this purpose, it will be necessary for you as a preliminary to address a claim to the company or the agency having sold the ticket.

  • Compensation Open or Close

    Under the terms of the international regulation, a presumption of responsibility weighs on your airline company in the event of damage (material) with the luggage and goods, or (body) with the passengers, like in the event of delay in the routing of the checked-in baggage, the goods and the passengers, which have occurred at the time of international air transport.

    Indeed, since June 28th, 2004 date of entry pursuant to the Convention of Montreal (aiming at the unification of certain rules relating to international air transport) you can hope for a better compensation during your flights. However, other countries whose Canada, United States and European Community adopted a similar principle as regards responsibility for the airline company for the assured flights inside their territory.

    Note that the responsibility for the carrier of this damage is legally limited to certain ceilings of compensation. If these ceilings of compensation are not appropriate to you, you can subscribe certain complementary insurances to increase the amount of these allowances.

  • Disabled Open or Close

    We understand by handicapped persons, anyone whose mobility is reduced, as a consequence of a physical incapacity (sensory or driving), of a intellectual deficiency, age, disease or of various other causes generating to a handicap nature in the use of air transport and whose situation requires a special attention and an adaptation to its needs for the services offered to all passengers.

    Specific measures exist. Regarding access to airports, special equipment (parking, terminals of call, etc) are envisaged. In the same way, most carriers place at their disposal a special service of assistance to facilitate loading and unloading. The airline companies put moreover at their services of the wheel chairs within the boundary of the air terminal. You inform near your carrier. The carrier will not be able to refuse the loading of the passengers suffering from a driving or sensory handicap having informed as a preliminary from their handicap or their special needs of assistance at the time of the purchase of their ticket since the airline company accepted them.

    For safety reasons, the passengers reached of a severe mental handicap cannot travel by plane without guide on the long-distance flights. For the short ways, they could be allowed to only travel by certain companies subject to a prior medical agreement. In order to avoid the scuffle, the handicapped passengers profit from a priority loading and their exit of the device is carried out after that of the other passengers. The transport of the dog-guides of passengers reached in particular of a sensory handicap, is envisaged out of compartment. The personal wheel chairs are embarked without surtax.

    However, the configuration of compartments of certain types of devices does not make possible the placement of more than one wheel chair, or to charge there with the armchairs exceeding a certain weight or certain dimensions. In addition, displacement by plane of the electric wheel chairs equipped with accumulators other than of the dry batteries is subjected to preliminary acceptance by the airline company and certain airline companies moreover are entitled only to transport wheel chairs to dry batteries. To get information at the time of the reservation. A presentation with the airport one hour before the limiting hour of recording (certain wheelchairs requiring a particular conditioning) is requested from the handicapped passengers.

  • Damage Open or Close

    It is about a bad fulfillment of a contract of carriage resulting in damage with the passenger. The rule being that as regards civil responsibility, whoever causes damage with others is held to repair it.
    Most of the time, the regulation of the damage is carried out by an out-of-court settlement with the company or the travel agency involved. For serious cases on the other hand, the disagreement could often be regulated only at the conclusion of generally long and/ or procedure, expensive and with dubious result. In certain cases, it will be allocated to the plaintiff to be the proof of the damage.
    For the compensation for the damages, attentively consult the Convention of Montreal, and the subsequent regulation of the CEMAC, then national.

  • Failure Open or Close

    If the tour operator who brought you proves fails to bring back to you to your starting point, if no means of rebooking with destination as soon as possible were proposed to you on the spot, and if you are in the obligation to call upon a carrier of substitution, you are entitled to refunding without penalties of the amount discharged for the ticket corresponding to the uninsured way and possibly, if necessary, to the refunding of the difference between the price of this ticket not honored and the amount with the new ticket which you were constrained to buy.

    It will be necessary for you as of your return, to make of it the fast request near your travel agency, accompanied by a copy of the tickets concerned. In the event of bankruptcy of the tour operator, this one has obligatorily a financial warranty which is used in theory to cover these refunding or to ensure your repatriation.

    Think of bringing you closer to the Cameroonian Embassy of the place or you remain, if you encounter important difficulties to be rebooked. The responsibility for the airline company or the tour operator can be committed in accordance with the provisions of the convention of Montreal, of regulation CEMAC N°. /07-UEAC-082-15 and of the national regulation relating to it.

    If no solution of amicable settlement of your damage were suggested to you upon your return, you can contact the competent services of Civil Cameroon Authority Aviation, in order to know your rights. However, only the courts of competent jurisdiction will be able to determine the existence and the amount of the damage as well as the extent of the responsibility for the airline company or the tour operator.

  • Drinking Open or Close

    So because of alcohol consumption, the behavior of a passenger on board or before going up on board the plane is such as the instructions of the crew are not respected, if its behavior is an unacceptable load for other passengers or the crew, that it involves damage or wounds, the captain can take all necessary measures and appropriate to the incident to put an end to other consequences which this behavior would involve.
    In addition, the captain will be able if necessary, to require that this passenger leaves the plane.

    The aforementioned airline company could refuse the transport of this passenger on later flights in any place or prohibit to him to travel on its entire overhead grid. Such offences made on board the plane are liable to a criminal prosecution and civil.

  • Insurance Open or Close

    In the event of damage which has occurred during an air displacement (physical injury, delays and loss of luggage), the responsibility for your carrier will be committed in accordance with the national and international texts. Note that the flights charters and cheap rates on scheduled flights are subjected to restrictive conditions of use, in particular, in what is a possibility of cancellation before the departure.

    If you would consider it convenient, you inform in writing your guaranteeing insurer on the subscription of a complementary insurance, the refunding of the price of the ticket in the event of cancellation of the travel for precise reasons goods envisaged by the aforementioned contract of insurance.

    Concerning the insurance/assistance repatriation, very often, one already has such contracts understood in the mutual insurance companies, credit cards, etc (for displacements not exceeding 90 days). The insurance companies propose insurance policies interesting for these cases. As opposed to what certain tour operators say, legally, no insurance is not obligatory at the time of the purchase of a dry flight

  • Assistance Open or Close

    You suffer from a permanent or temporary, your child must only travel, you are pregnant, short if your state requires a particular assistance, inform your airline company at the time of the purchase of the ticket, for the installation of the services appropriate to your special needs, of your starting airport to that of arrival.

    It can be useful for you to subscribe an adequate insurance near your usual insurer or of your travel agency (covering this time the travel only), etc, for the cover of the possible expenses in the event of disease or urgent medical demands abroad.

    Are you refused with the loading? Is your plane late? Is your flight cancelled? The N° Regulation. /07-UEAC-082-CM-15 in the course of validation by the next conference of the Heads of States of the CEMAC and the Regulation THIS n° 261-2004 into force since February 17th, 2005 prescribed with your carrier to provide you information and, if necessary, assistance (in-CAS, meal, accommodation, transport, expenses of communication, later routing).

    These regulations give new more respectful answers of the rights of the passengers who travel on board a plane which takes off of a State member of these communities, on condition that being actually transported by a company of these communities.

  • Accompanist Open or Close

    The suffering passenger of a permanent disability (total or partial), whose health status requires the assistance of a third person during her daily displacements, will find in the topic Handicapped, information relating to it like that relative to his guide, during air travel.