CCAA history
In order to meet the international requirements of states to fully assume its role in the regulation of safety and security of civil aviation, the Cameroon Civil Aviation Authority (CCAA) was created following the advent of the Law on Civil Aviation Regime N°98/023 of 24 December 1998, and its implementation decree N°99/198 of 16 September 1999.
The CCAA is a public administrative establishment with legal personality and financial autonomy. The founding texts which allowed the creation of the CCAA, contributed to their adjustment. Following the enactment of the law on the regime of civil aviation in Cameroon No. 2013/010 of July 24, 2013, and its implementation decree No. 2015/232 of May 25, 2015, whose basis is the organization and functioning of the CCAA.
In 2018 and 2019, two presidential decrees extended the missions of the CCAA.
The structure is placed under the technical supervision of the Ministry of Transport, and under the financial supervision of the Ministry of Finance.
The CCAA is the secular arm of the government in terms of coordination and monitoring of civil aviation activities in the national territory.