The Director General of Mobility and Transport of the European Commission visits the CCAA
Published: Saturday, 11 February 2023 05:31
The Cameroon Civil Aviation Authority (CCAA) received a distinguished guest this Friday, February 10, 2023, at the headquarters of its Training School, located at Yaounde-Nsimalen International Airport. The guest was Mr Henrik HOLOLEI, Director General of Mobility and Transport at the European Commission (DG MOVE), who is visiting Cameroon from 8 to 12 February 2023.

He was accompanied by Mr Peter BOMBAY-Special Advisor to the Director of Aviation at DG MOVE of the European Commission and Mr Yves KONING, in charge of Technical Cooperation for the Sub-Saharan Africa zone at EASA.
This visit was marked by two highlights: a working session and a visit of the Training School facilities.

During the working session, the Director General of the CCAA, Mrs Paule ASSOUMOU KOKI, made a brief presentation of the Training School, of the activities, carried out by the CCAA in the field of environmental protection, as well as of the potential axes of cooperation with the European Commission. This was followed by an exchange during which DG MOVE appreciated the efforts of the CCAA for the development of safe, secure and sustainable air transport in Cameroon. He also commended the constant support provided by the CCAA for the implementation of cooperation projects financed and implemented by the European Union in Central Africa. Taking note of the requests for assistance expressed by the CCAA, DG MOVE indicated that the Commission would examine the follow-up to be made.
After a visit to the facilities of the Training School led by the Director General of the CCAA, a cocktail was offered by the Director General of the CCAA to members of the delegation accompanying DG MOVE.