Air Transport: Service quality receives priority in Douala
For three days, a Forum on the issue brought together the Cameroon Civil Aviation Authority (CCAA), operators, administrations and airlines recently in Douala.
The participants came together November 2018 to evaluate the implementation of recommendations made during the 2017 edition of the forum and to discuss measures to be taken to offer airport users better quality services during the Africa Cup of Nations.
They discussed about ground handling; slot management; promotion and competitiveness of the Cameroon destination and the evolution of the collection of statistical data; facilitation measures at airports; security infrastructure and equipment; access controls; and infrastructure and services of air navigation and aerodrome.
A delegation of experts from the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime present at the forum seized the opportunity to sensitize participants on the need to synergize actions to strengthen the exchange of operational information with the Douala Airport’s Anti-Trafficking Cell (CAAT) to help control air borders.
To date, about twenty airlines serve the Cameroon destination alongside the national company Camair-Co, which also took part in this forum.
Mr. ALLABIRA MAMADOU Deputy Director General of the CCAA in his opening address invited the participants to assess without complacency, according to him” this event is an opportunity to improve the quality of our services in the aviation sector, though challenging as we prepare to receive an influx of people. A total of 24 participating teams, 52 games and it is estimated that about one million visitors will be welcomed in Cameroon, as well as local spectators who will have to be transported through the five host cities in the 30 days during which this competition will take place. ".
During this Forum, a guided tour of the facilities of the Douala International Airport was organized.