Cameroon signs cooperation agreement on search and rescue of aircraft in distress with Chad

Published: Saturday, 01 October 2022 04:46
The cooperation framework was concluded on September 29, 2022, in Montreal between the Republic of Cameroon and the Republic of Chad on the sidelines of the ongoing 41st ICAO Assembly.
The Minister of Transport of Cameroon, Mr. Jean Ernest Massena NGALLE BIBEHE proceeded with the signature of this cooperation agreement with the Minister of Civil Aviation and National Meteorology of Chad, Mr. HISSEIN TAHIR SOUGUIMI, who was accompanied by the Director General of the Civil Aviation Authority of Chad, Mr. Brahim GUIHINI DADI.
Indeed, this agreement defines the modalities of cooperation between the rescue coordination centers of N'Djamena and the secondary rescue center of Yaounde.
They also set the conditions for the provision, deployment, reciprocal use, and coordination, in peacetime, of search and rescue means for aircraft in distress in the territories of both States.
In practice, the center in charge of operations may request assistance from the other center in the event of aircraft distress. And each of the centers within the framework of a SAR operation will make available information relating to the state of operation of the SAR means at their disposal.
After these signatures, the Aeronautical Authorities of the two States will set up coordination mechanisms for better communication between the different search and rescue centers.
In the end, the two ministers expressed their satisfaction. They hoped the mutualization of efforts in the sub-region would contribute to the ongoing quest to meet the standards set by the ICAO.