The certification process of an airport
Published: Saturday, 15 April 2023 19:05
This process is explained in the Circular n°0002/C/CCAA/DG of January 13, 2023, on the aerodrome certification process, signed by the Director-General of the Cameroon Civil Aviation Authority (CCAA) Mrs. Paule Avomo Assoumou KOKI.
It outlines the steps that airport operators and supervisory personnel must follow to obtain airport certification.
This circular is based on the requirements of several national regulatory texts, including the decree on the conditions for the creation, opening, classification, operation, and closure of airports and aeronautical servitudes, and the orders setting the certification and design standards for airports in Cameroon.
The airport certification process consists of five phases,
Phase 1: Preliminary request or expression of interest from the applicant
Phase 2: Formal request
Phase 3: Evaluation of infrastructure, equipment, and services
Phase 4: Issuance or refusal of the airport certificate
Phase 5: Publication of the certified airport status in the AIP.
Each phase must be satisfactorily completed before proceeding to the next.
It is important to note that upon completion of the certification process, the CCAA will develop and execute a plan for ongoing surveillance of the certified operator throughout the duration of their certificate's validity. This surveillance is conducted based on the operator's approved aerodrome manual, which was previously reviewed and approved during phase 2 of the certification procedure.
The successful completion of this process ensures that the airport operator understands their duties and can establish and maintain an acceptable level of safety in accordance with Cameroonian civil aviation regulations.
Details regarding this circular can be found on this link: