Management Committee meeting of the Agency for the Supervision of Air Safety in Central Africa (ASSA-AC) holds in Cameroon

Published: Wednesday, 03 October 2018 15:15

Seven of the eight member states of ASSA-AC are meeting in Douala beginning September 2, 2018 around the Chairman of the said Committee Mr. ADJAM.

During this meeting, committee members will be discussing about the review and operationalization of texts of ASSA-AC, the financing of the agency, the financial statements, the 2015-2018 report of activities, the financial controller's report, the program of activities, the 2019 budget, the creation of the logo of the institution and the location of ASSA AC’s headquarters.

In his opening speech, the Chairman of the Management Committee recalled the purpose of this meeting, which is to operationalize the community institution and support States to improve supervision.

The Director General of ASSA-AC Mr. KIAPO Alexandre François reaffirmed their strategy to first put in place a legal framework, recruit experts and provide the work resources to bring the states to a level of acceptable security.

Currently going on in Douala, this Management committee meeting will span until October 4, 2018. The representative of the Minister of Transport and Director General of the CCAA Mrs. Avomo ASSOUMOU Paule, wished a very warm welcome to all ASSAAC members and expressed gratitude for the choice of Cameroon to host this important meeting. The representative of CEMAC and EASA were also present.